Wednesday 27 June 2007

new digs

I'm in the new flat now. Bigger and better....but completely crazy neighbours...just sitting in bed now cowering under the covers as I type this. Just a few moments ago there was a huge crash in the apartment above which completely shook this flat...It's quite late. I've been working up until about 11.30pm. Going a little stir crazy and checked out of the peep hole in the front door for nutso psychopaths before walking in the bedroom. I'm freaking myself out now....I mean, really, who honestly checks their hallway to ensure there's no Jack Nicholson 'Johnny' character from 'The Shining' standing outside...

The excitement of the day was finding a short cut to my walk home. Instead of going around the bus station and under the creepy subway, I can now save 2 mins and cross a road full of maniac motorists....creeps vs maniacs...I'll take my chances with the maniacs.

Anyway, time to reset the radio station to some sort of local BBC station and get some shut eye. Stay tuned...

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