Wednesday 4 July 2007

I'm bored...

Back in the flat. Been in London for the last few nights. And back to London tomorrow night. So here I am, sitting in bed at 7.45pm, dinner already over and sipping on a VAT(Vodka and Tonic...good ole Arthur...)

There's not much to tell really. I'll get some pics up soon. Then you can see the glorious sights I have...some power plant in the distance.

And seriously, the walk back to the apartment from the train station was just so depressing. It's really not that bad. Just straight down Bath Road, flat, boring...and the rain bucketed down on me. I was trying to fumble around in my bag for my brand new leopard print umbrella, juggling the backpack with work files, the overnight bag with my clothes and shopping and the handbag...wearing cheap arsed black pants, green sweater, denim jacket and trainers...I must have looked brilliant. Surprisingly I had no bored asshole motorist toot and yell abuse at me. They even seem too bored to do that.

I'm so glad I didn't buy a plain, boring, black umbrella...

Sigh...nearly 3 weeks down and 13 to go....Can I vote myself out of the apartment?

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