Wednesday, 15 August 2007

Music to my ears...

Alas...I am no longer waking up to the sweet tones of Magic radio, with the traffic report in Essex..(yeah, really useful since I was in Slough without a car...not a euphemism for 'up the creek without a paddle'...). Actually, it's probably just as well I'm not listening to it anymore. I was getting to the point where I could rattle off the playlist they had on repeat each morning.

Elton John - Sad Songs
Dirty Dancing theme song
Islands in the Stream
Belinda Carlisle
Bryan Adams

I felt like I was listening to Casey Kasem's American Top 40 all over again. You know, when I was a wee lass (aged 10) back in the 80's, I used to sneak into my mum's room and hide under the bed listening to her clock radio while she was out in the lounge or kitchen cooking dinner. This was usually a Saturday evening around 6pm, hence I started to get all my pop music awareness from American Top 40. Belinda Carlisle and The Bangles were my favourites at the time.....I still love The Bangles, even more so now that I know the connection with Prince...

Hmmm, so what's happening to good ole Casey these days...Who is Casey Kasem? Check it out!

Something I have enjoyed, however, since being back home is using my gee whiz laptop and getting great sound on Triple R streaming live on the internet...ahhh...the dolcet tones of an Aussie accent...Melbournians none the less. This would seriously have to be one of the best, if not the best, radio station in the world!

Well, another day, another dollar...time once again for a few zzzz's....

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